Consisting of Tal and Eth, you can place it in any two-socketed Body Armor, and it will provide a host of benefits to the player. Stealth is one of those Runewords that is useful for practically any character build. This, along with providing many bonuses to Sorceress skills, means that it’s one of the best choices for that class, especially if you are playing a Sorc specializing in Fire magic.

Leaf is a Level 19 Runeword made up of Tir and Ral. Harder to get, but it functions like an enhanced version of steel, and its ability to prevent monster healing is excellent for destroying those irritating regenerating enemies. You can insert it into three-socketed melee weapons. Similar to Steel, this Level 16 Runeword consists of Ith, El, and Eth. The +1 to all skills and mana after each kill modifiers are very useful for any character. Lore is an excellent helm considering how easy it is to find the required runes and how low the requirements are. Its combination of enhanced damage output and increased speed makes it a good choice for any melee-oriented character. Lore is the rune word OrtSol for helms in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. It can be inserted into Swords, Axes and Maces. A Level 13 Runeword made up of Tir and El.